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Outline of Bohai development zone
    Bohai development zone: Cangzhou Bohai development zone lies in southeastern Hebei. To the east is Bohai sea; to the south is Shandong province and there are Beijing and Tianjin to the north. The development zone includes Huanghua city, port zone, Zhongjie industrial park, chemical industrial park and Nandagang industrial park with the total area of 2375 square kilometers, coastline of 130km, and population of 546,000. the development zone plays a very important role in Bohai economic circle and Beijing-Tianjin economic circle.
    The Huanghua port in development zone is located in the centural part of Bohai Bay, which is the most convenient outlet from the western and centural area to the sea. And it is also the second largest port for coal transmission. Now there are 9 berths, 1 general cargo dock and 1 liquid chemical dockin the port. The depth of the lane is -14m, and the width is 170m. 70 000 tons ship can work here. A new project of building a comprehensive port has been started in August, 2008 with the total evaluated investment of  12 billion RMB. By the latter half year of 2010, the transmission capacity can reach 50 million tons; by 2015, the capacity will reach 150 million tons. Eight berths of 70 thousand tonnage has been started to build which will be finished in two years. A 50 000 tons liquid chemical dock will be finished in a short time.
    The hinterland of the development zone is very large, including 43 cities, 330 counties with 140 million population and 1.8 trillion GDP. The transportation here is very convenient: 307 national road、205 national road,sea-protection road, Shigang highway, Jinshan highway, Shuohuang railway and some national railways formed a transportation network in this area. There are still some highways like Hangang highway, Baocang highway under construction. The land advantage of this area is obvious: large amount of unused land, construction land, beaches and shallow seas.
    With the support of harbors, Cangzhou Bohai development zone has formed industrial clusters. The major leading industries are: power energy industry, petrol chemical industry, equipment manufacture industry and port logistics industry.
Huanghua city: the total area of Huanghua city is 1544.7 aquare kilometers with a population of 426 000. The distance to Huanghua port is 35 kilometers. There are 1517 industrial enterprises in all, which formed three leading industries including hardware manufacturing, resouce chemical, and plastic mold. The city is also named “hometown of winter date”, which is the biggest trade market of winter date in north of China.
    The educational facilities are improving. Now there are 237 schools and kindergartens in all, with 25 000 students in school. Beijing Transportation University Coastal College which is a Full-time undergraduate Independent College approved by Ministry of Education is located here. In the year 2008, the university began to enroll new students. Zhongjie Vocational and Technical Institute has trained a large amount of professional workers for the enterprises over the years. Besides, Coastal Higher Vocational Technical College and Tianjin Maritime College will be started soon. The society service facilities like hospitals, enducation, entertainment, and shopping are being perfected, which makes Huanghua a new coastal city.
Port zone: it is a provincial level development zone approved by Hebei government, which develops fast based on the construction of Huanghua port. In the year 2007, Bohai development zone was built and it has formed industrial clusters including logistics, steel, equipment manufacturing and so on.    
Nandagang industrial park: The total area of the park is 300 square kilometers, 134 000 mu of which is arable land. The population here is 43 000. there are more than 60 enterprises in the park, referring to petrol-chemical, mechinery, building materials, light industry, original salt , hardware foundry, etc.
In the northeast of the park,there is a 147 000 mu wetland of provincial level and bird nature reserve, in which there are variety of wild birds, flora, wild animals, fishes and shrimps and so on. This place is called “the paradise of birds”.
Other advantages like the state-owned land, rich petrol and gas, and vast beaches provide unlimited potential for development.
Zhongjie industrial park:the former name of the park is called “Zhongjie Friendship Farm”, a national farm which is approved by the State Council and named by Premier Zhou in honor of the friendship between Chinese people and Czechic people. The area of Zhongjie industrial park is 268 kilometers with a population of 42 000.
Now the industrial park has more than ten industries including petrol chemical, fine chemical, building materials, food processing, and hardwares, etc. Petrol chemical is the leading industry in this park.
Besides, there is a golf course in the park, which is the only, the largest scale entertainment place with high grade.
Chemical industrial park: The total area of this park is 26 square kilometers. This park is a large-scale chemical base around Bohai area, and chemical is also a leading industry of Cangzhou city including salt chemical, petrol chemical, fine chemical, coal chemical, Synthetic materials and warehousing trade park.
Now, more than 50 famous enterprises both in and abroad have located in this park, which has formed a frame: based on the development of PVC, TDI, and Caprolactam, promote the development of fine chemical, coal chemical and salt chemical.
Industrial clusters
Bohai development zone mainly focuses on four industry clusters including petrol chemical, equipment manufacture, power energy, and pport logistics.
1.Petrol chemical industry: make ues of the liquid chemical dock and general cargo dock, with the help of the enterprises in the development zone, the chemical industry can be formed a product chain. The development zone can become a important chemical research base.
Hebei Jinniu chemical corporation Ltd. 
Caustic soda 30 000 t/a
Chloro-alkaline 40 000 t/a
PVC resin 700 000 t/a
Cangzhou Dahua TDI Company: TDI 50 000 t/a with the investment of 1 billion RMB.
Hebei Jiehong painting chemical industry company: Phthalocyanine pigments 12 000 t/a
Changlu Salt Company: original salt 2 million t/a;
refined salt, iodized salt 300 000 t/a
2.power energy: take advantage of coal resource of Shenhua corporation to accelerate the construction of power plant and enlarge the power capacity.
Guohua Cangdong Power Plant:
2×600 MW generating units has been put into practice.
2×660 MW generating units has been finished.
Cangzhou Power Supply Company: 2200 KV substation, 1100 KV substation have been under construction
Haixing Wind Power project: 33 wind power generating units with the total investment of 0.5 billion RMB have been put into practice.
Huarun Thermoelectric project: 2×300 MW units will be started soon.
3.Equipment manufacture: based on Huanhua port, bring in and develop some manufacture industries, including processing trade project, coastal processing industry, major equipment manufacture and shipyard etc.
Sinosteel Corporation Ltd. 80 000 tons ferronnickle production line has been put into practice.
Dallipal Pipe Company: the casting project has been started, and will be finished in the latter half year of 2009.
4. Port logistics: the advantages of port, railways, roads are very obvious, which can help todevelop modern logistics industry, to form a large modern logistics base.
The project approval process of Foreign-funded enterprises
The project approval of foreign investment (including projects of sino-foreign joint venture, sino-foreign cooperative operation, wolly foreign-owned and so on) is accordance with “ Interim measures for project approval of foreign investment of Hebei Province”.
Ⅰ.Approval organization and authority
According to “industrial catalogue of foreign investment”, the application on the encouraged and permited projects with a total investment of more than 100 million US dollars and on the restricted projects with a total investment of more than 50 million US dollars are approved by the National Development and Reform Commission; the application on the encouraged, permitted and restricted projects and projects of tax exemption for imported equipments with a total investment of more than 50 million US dollars but less than 100 million US dollars are approved by Heibei Provincial Development and Reform Commission; the application on the encouraged and permitted projects with a total investment less than 50 million US dollars are approved by Cangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Heibei Province.
Ⅱ.The requirements of the project application
1. the following contents of the project application approved by Cangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commision are necessary:
① project title, operating period and the brief introduction of the investors;
② construction scale, contrucion contents, the main technic, target market and the planned employment number;
③ construction place, requirements for land, water and energy and the consumption of the main material;
④ environmental evaluation;
⑤ price involving in public goods or service;
⑥ the total investment, registered capital, capital contribution of each party, ways of contribution, financing proposal, improted equipments and the amount.
2. the following files of the project application approved by Cangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commision are necessary:
① the registration cetificate (or business licence)of Sino-foreign investors, the most newly financial statement (including balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flow) and proof of financial strength issued by the opening bank;
② intention letter of investment, board resolution of the re-capitalized and merger and acquisition projects;
③ financing intention letter issued by the opening bank;
④ environmental evaluation issued by the provincial and municipal environmental protection administration;
⑤ paper of planned location issued by municipal planning department;
⑥ pre-views on the project land issued by provincial and municipal land and resource management department;
⑦ files issued by related authority if investing with state-owned property and land-use right.
3.All the files of the project application approved by Hebei Development and Reform Commission must be in quadruplicate, while, ones approved by municipal Development and Reform Commission must be in triplicate.
Ⅲ.application process of project approval.
According to the approval authority, the applicator must apply to the local county development and reform commission and submit it to the municipal development and reform commission after auditted by county development and reform commission, if the projects are required to be approved by municipal development and reform commission or by provincial development and reform commission.
If it needs to ask for opinions of competent authority, the municipal development and reform commission should issue related letter and information. After recepting the mentioned materials, the competent authority must submit written opinion to municipal development and reform commission in 7 working days.
After receping the project application, the municipal development and reform commission authorize qulified consultative bodies to evaluate the significant issues. The authorized consultative bodies should submit evaluating report in specified period.
After accepting the project application, the municipal development and reform commission should finish the project approval, or submit examination report to provincial development and reform commission in 20 working days (excluding the period of asking for competent advice and evaluating period ). If the approval decision can not be finished or the examination report can not be submitted in 20 working days, then the chief of the municipal development and reform commission can approve to extend 10 working days and inform the reasons of extension to the applicator.
Regarding to the approval project, the municipal development and reform commission issue approval file; to the project that is not approved, the commission should inform the applicator with written decision, tell the reasons and inform the applicator that he has the right to appeal to administrative review or administrative lawsuit.
Ⅵ. Approval conditions and effects
The approval conditions required by the municipal development and reform commission: accordance with related laws, regulations and “ industrial catalogue of foreign investment” accordance with the requests of long-term scheme, industry plan and industrial restructure of economic and social development; accordance with related regulations of public and national anti-monopoly; accordance with requirements for land-use planning, urban comprehensive planning and environmental protection; accordance with requirements for regulated technology; accordance with regulations of management of national capital item and external debts management.
By means of the approval files issued by municipal development and reform commission, the applicator can go through related formalities, such as land use, urban planning, quality surveillance, safty in production, resource utilization, enterprise establisment( or modification ), commercial registration, tax exemption for imported equipments, management of capital item, duty policies and so on.
The approval file issued by the municipal development and reform commission has a valid period. And within the valid period, the approval file is the basis to go through related formality; after the valid period, the applicator should present the file that the project is allowed to delay issued by the municipal development and reform commission.
For the projects that are not apporved, the related administrative departments, such as land department, urban planning sector, quality surveillance department, production safety supervision department, administration for industry and commerce, customs administration, tax administration, foreign exchange management department and so on.
The municipal development and reform commission has the right to annul the approval decision if the applicator to obtain the approval file through unlawful methord, such as dividing the project or providing fictitious materials.
The mucipal development and reform commission has the right to supervise the process of the project and to deal with the unlawful behavior.
Ⅴ. The project modification and the related approval
The applicator should applicate project modification to the municipal development and reform commission if the project approved by the municipal development and reform commission has the following case:
1.the construction place changed;
2.the investor or equity stake changed;
3.the main constrution contents or the main products changed;
4.the total investment going beyond the original investment by more than 20%; accordance with related laws, regulations and industrial policies, other cases needed to be changed.
The process of modification refers to the third regulations.




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